Introduction to Hamiltonian Monte Carlo One thing that has been occupying my head in the past couple of weeks has been HMC and how it can be used in large data/large model context. HMC stands for Hamiltonian Monte Carlo and it’s the de facto Bayesian method for sampling due to it’s speed. Before getting into big datasets and big models, let me motivate this problem a little bit.
If you are new to Bayesian modelling, I have a little primer on the topic so I will assume for the most part you are familiar with basic Bayesianism.
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Wasserstein variational autoencoders
Variational auto-encoders (VAEs) are a latent space model. The idea is you have some latent space variable $z \in \mathbb{R}^{k}$ which describes your original variables $x\in\mathbb{R}^d$ in higher dimensional space by a latent model $p(x|z)$. Let’s assume that this distribution is given by a neural network with some parameters $\theta$ so that we assume $$ x | z, \theta \sim N(g_\theta(z), 1). $$ Of course in reality, we don’t know $(z, \theta)$, we would like to infer these from the data.
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Introduction To Tensorflow Estimator
In this post I am going to introduce tf.estimator library. So first of all, what is this library trying to do? When writing tensorflow code, there is a lot of repeated operations that we need to do:
read the data in batches process the data, e.g. convert images to floats run a for loop and take a few gradient descent steps save model weights to disk output metrics to tensorboard The keras library makes this quite a bit easier, but there are times when you might need to use plain old tensorflow (it gets quite hacky to implement some multiple output models and GANs in keras).
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FizzBuzz with neural networks and NALU
FizzBuzz is one of the most well-known interview questions. The problem is stated as:
Write the numbers from 0 to n replacing any number divisible by 3 with Fizz, divisible by 5 by Buzz and divisible by both 3 and 5 by FizzBuzz. The example program should output 1, 2, Fizz, 3, Buzz, Fizz, 7, 8, Fizz, Buzz.
A while back, there was this infamous post where the author claimed to solve this problem in an interview using tensorflow.
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From Zero To State Of The Art NLP Part II - Transformers
Welcome to part two of the two part series on a crash course into state of the art natural language processing. This part is going to go through the transformer architecture from Attention Is All You Need. If you haven’t done so already, read the first part which introduces attention mechanisms. This post is all about transformers and assumes you know attention mechanisms.
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